About Me :-)

Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog! I am a 45 year old woman, mom to two active pre-teen/teen boys and wife to one "skinny" husband ;-). I am blogging my progress on Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure. I began on August 17th, 2010. To date, I've lost almost 35 pounds and 5 inches on my waist. The Belly Fat Cure has changed my life and I wanted to share my story with everyone. I am a "former" soda/sugar addict; and Jorge has changed the way I view sugar and food, FOREVER!! My whole family has started eating healthier and even the kids like all the new veggies we now try at dinner. This has changed my life and I hope it will change yours as well :-)

Friday, November 12, 2010

I will fear the Brussels sprouts no more!!!

I ate Brussels sprouts yesterday.

For the first time in over 35 years.

And I lived to tell the tale here ;-)

I came by my fear of Brussels sprouts honestly. The sprouts of my youth were small, smelly, disgusting little balls of.....of...of...........really gross vegetables. You know the kind...you have to rub your leg while you are chewing and swallowing, as if that really helps that nasty piece of food in your mouth to go down??!!!

After receiving a few signs that I just couldn't ignore anymore I decided that the time had come to finally put on my big girl panties and face my fear of this dreaded sprout........once and for all. First, my friend Julie had told me last weekend how she seasons and sautes her Brussels sprouts, how yummy they are and even her kids eat them!  huh?? her kids eat them??!!  Then, while perusing Jessica's Seinfeld's website I ran across run of her previous blogs about Autumn vegetables. She actually wrote "Don't fear the Brussels sprouts". She might as well just have said "SUSAN, don't fear the Brussels sprouts". Finally, yesterday's blog on the Gluten-free Girl blog was......you guessed it.....a recipe for Brussels Sprouts Salad!!!

I went out, then and there to make my very first purchase of Brussels sprouts. I had no idea where I was going to look in the store......fresh, frozen or canned, but I had my suspicions that the nasty, smelly things that tortured me as a child were from a can. So, I headed to the produce aisle and this is what I found!

It was a little disconcerting to see that huge stalk of sprouts, like some weird alien growth, but I decided to buy the stalk after seeing the sprouts that were offered in a container. These just looked fresher, crisper and greener.  When I got the stalk home, my youngest (as boys will do) immediately wielded it as a weapon and/or piece of sporting equipment ;-)
I followed the recipe on the Gluten Free Girl blog. It was fast and easy. Find it here:
This is the result!

 A quick, delicious side dish.....kind of a cross between cole slaw and broccoli salad, but with no sugar in the recipe. I think I will make some for Thanksgiving and throw in some dried cranberries for color. I even had enough sprouts left that I can try them seasoned and sauteed like my friend Julie recommended :-)

Have a great weekend everyone! CONSTANT VIGILANCE!


  1. I'm glad you overcame your fear of brussels sprouts. I love them also. One of my favorite ways to have them is roasted. I've never seen them sold on the stalk like that, that's pretty wild.

  2. That's a funny post. My daughter who is now 32, also feels ths same way about brussel sprouts. I - love them. I also have never seen them fresh before either. your salad Looks great! :-)

  3. I have only had brussel sprouts once and hated them....my sister calls them helmet heads! I have always been afraid to venture out to far when it comes to veggies, so maybe I should give it another try. Thanks for such a great post.

  4. Hey Susan! OMG!! Your post was laugh out loud funny to read!!! Especially about rubbing your leg to get them down...OMG!! Still laughing here!! Sooo funny!! Anyways, I too , like you, never liked brussel sprouts. It took me 35 years to get a grasp on eating cauliflower & I have to be in a good mood to do broccoli. Just not a cruciferous veggie kind of girl. My frined Rhonda also roasts brussels & she made me eat one earlier this year and I too, have lived to tell the tale. They actually were quite good, although she kind of burned them...but they were edible. She basted them in olive oil & salt & pepper. I would consider eating them again but not running to the store for a stalk just yet.
    Thanks for a great post!!! Keep em coming!!!
