About Me :-)

Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog! I am a 45 year old woman, mom to two active pre-teen/teen boys and wife to one "skinny" husband ;-). I am blogging my progress on Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure. I began on August 17th, 2010. To date, I've lost almost 35 pounds and 5 inches on my waist. The Belly Fat Cure has changed my life and I wanted to share my story with everyone. I am a "former" soda/sugar addict; and Jorge has changed the way I view sugar and food, FOREVER!! My whole family has started eating healthier and even the kids like all the new veggies we now try at dinner. This has changed my life and I hope it will change yours as well :-)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

feeling the love!!!!!

I am feeling the love! Thanks to Amber for mentioning me and my blog in her latest blog post at Me and Jorge :-) Her blog is excellent! Everything you wanted to know about the BFC and more! I credit much of my initial success on the BFC to Amber and her blog. It was also the inspiration for starting my own blog and now she's inspiring (shaming!) me to keep it more current!  So, here it is....my second blog in a row!

Not much to report about BFC for me.....we currently have guests and my oldest son was confirmed tonight. I am also going to Chicago for the weekend. Busy, busy, busy....only able to skate by on automatic mode and not give too much thought to new and different BFC ideas.

But since Amber mentioned that I "twitter", let's talk about social media. Do you remember your first experience with the internet??  We got "connected" around 1996. My oldest son was a baby. I can remember spending hours sitting at the computer while he nursed and slept in my arms scouring the World Wide Web. I visited parenting sites and was active on a General Hospital bulletin board. (Yes, there was a time in my life when I had the time to watch soap operas, LOL!) For a couple of (fruitful) years, I also got "paid" to surf the internet through reward programs. Eventually, my kids got older and mobile and I just didn't have the time to sit at the computer anymore; however, email quickly became my preferred method of communication....even with my husband ;-).

Facebook came along and at first I did resist, but eventually gave in and created my FB profile. I quickly connected with many, many people from my high school and hometown - some I thought I'd never hear from again - and soon I was very FB-proficient. Shortly after that, I also got my first iPhone and boy, was I in heaven!  My friend and I texted all the time, any random thought that just popped into our heads. I was able to check my FB no matter where I was and I discovered podcasts! Then, my husband bought me a laptop and that completely changed the way I "surfed". Actually, it changed the way I watch TV....as now I am usually checking email, blogs, my calendar, FB, etc while I watch TV. I keep it close by when watching movies so I can look up actors and info about what I am watching. Next came this blog after I started the BFC and most recently I have started using Twitter. It's a bit different than FB, but same general concept. The main difference is that it is easier to connect with others that have the same interests and so I tend to not really know (in real life) any of the people I am following on Twitter.

So, what social media do you use? I use texting to communicate with my kids while they are out of the house, with my husband during the day so I don't bother him with phone calls during work and with my friends so I can share all the random, inane thoughts that pop into my head without spending time on a phone call. I use Facebook to keep in touch with old friends and family that don't live close by (which is actually all of our family!). I've got my blogs to keep up with my BFC support group. And now I've got Twitter to get my pop-culture fix. I follow some celebrities as well as other people who share the same interests as me.

What in the world did we do without phones and computers when I was growing up? While I feel like I am very connected and "plugged in", I also know that I am not utilizing all this technology that is at my fingertips to the best of it's capability. I do know that all my social media outlets have contributed to the success of my weight loss with the BFC!


  1. I am not much of a phone talker because I don't like holding the phone up to my hear for hours, lol!! So I rely on a lot of texting, plus half of my friends or family don't answer the phones anymore...they just answer their text. Weird huh? I don't have a twitter, but I use facebook wayyyyy too much. I can officially say I am addicted to reading status updates, etc. And if I ever forget my cell phone when I leave the house, I feel like I have left and appendage, lol!! I have to just have to turn back and get it. hah!

  2. I love twitter! I use it more to contact with other with similar interests that I have never met. FB is great for staying in touch with friends and relatives though. Thanks for you kind words on my blog ;-)
