About Me :-)

Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog! I am a 45 year old woman, mom to two active pre-teen/teen boys and wife to one "skinny" husband ;-). I am blogging my progress on Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure. I began on August 17th, 2010. To date, I've lost almost 35 pounds and 5 inches on my waist. The Belly Fat Cure has changed my life and I wanted to share my story with everyone. I am a "former" soda/sugar addict; and Jorge has changed the way I view sugar and food, FOREVER!! My whole family has started eating healthier and even the kids like all the new veggies we now try at dinner. This has changed my life and I hope it will change yours as well :-)

Monday, March 14, 2011

.......we meet again!!!!

Hello friends and readers! My sincerest apologies for being absent for sooooooooo long!  I suffered a kidney stone attack in January, the same week the Belly Fat Cure Fast Track class started. And because we've had such a long, cccccccoooold winter (brrr!), I feel that I have been in HIBERNATION mode.......curling up in sweats and blankets and making the most of my Netflix subscription!!

Spring is almost here now and I am ready to get back to business. The bad news is that I haven't lost any weight since my last post in January. The GOOD news is that because of the healthy habits I adopted on the BFC, I have been able to maintain my weight!!! I am still at a total weight loss of 33 pounds since August, 2010. 

Now, I haven't been "strict" BFC, but I still use stevia in place of sugar or sweetener in my tea and coffee. I make high fiber, high protein food choices over sugary, processed foods. I try to eat my largest meal in the morning and my smallest meal in the evening. I am aware of any hidden sugars in my foods. However, I can't say that I haven't enjoyed a bowl or two of ice cream as well as delighted in our Girl Scout cookie delivery (only 4 boxes this year)! It's reassuring to know that even with these small treats, I didn't revert back to my previous bad, bad, bad eating habits.

Even though enjoying a treat now and then didn't cause me to add any weight back on, I am ready to start LOSING again!!  We've got family here visiting this week and I'm traveling to Chicago this weekend to visit an old college friend, so my plan is to dust off the Fast Track materials and get on that fast track next Monday. For now, I will continue the maintenance I've been doing for the last two months while making sure my frig and pantry are stocked for success. The weather has also started to break and I am looking forward to some nice, long walks outside.

I am looking forward to hearing from you all again!  NAMASTE :-)


  1. Hi Susan, I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I do miss those girl scout cookies, but realize that I can't have them any more.
    Wishing you all the best and I know you will reach your goals in no time.
    Have a great day :-)

  2. Hi Susan, it's good to see you again.

  3. Glad to see your back, I didn't get to read your blog much in the past but hope to read it more now. :) Glad your better and back on track with the BFC. :) Girl Scout cookies (Samoas in particular) are my fav, but I resisted all those little girl scouts selling at the front of all the grocery stores this year. It wasn't easy, because they are so cute trying to tempt you to buy. Best wishes to you!

  4. thanks everyone! i am still BFC'ing, just been distracted by the Netflix! LOL!
