About Me :-)

Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog! I am a 45 year old woman, mom to two active pre-teen/teen boys and wife to one "skinny" husband ;-). I am blogging my progress on Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure. I began on August 17th, 2010. To date, I've lost almost 35 pounds and 5 inches on my waist. The Belly Fat Cure has changed my life and I wanted to share my story with everyone. I am a "former" soda/sugar addict; and Jorge has changed the way I view sugar and food, FOREVER!! My whole family has started eating healthier and even the kids like all the new veggies we now try at dinner. This has changed my life and I hope it will change yours as well :-)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week Twelve Summary/Weight Loss = 1.0

Good morning everyone!  It's been a full 12 weeks, 3 months on the BFC. I don't even like to say "been on" since it has truly become a lifestyle for me. I am down another 1 pound from last week!!  My current weight is now 210.2, a total weight loss in 12 weeks of 28.2. I was hoping for a full 30 pound weight loss for 3 months - but I'll take "almost 30"!!

I was in St. Louis this weekend with a friend and I got to shop at Whole Foods for the first time. I was so excited to go, but then was overwhelmed when I walked in the door. I wish I could have had the whole day to really explore in there, it was also very crowded. I didn't really make any great finds, but I did pick up some organic versions of regular items my family eats.

We ate at P.F. Chang's......first time for me!!!  It was delicious. I feel I made healthier choices than I would have in the past, but I am sure there was hidden sugars in the food I was eating. I ordered Moo Goo Gai Pan, to avoid eating anything breaded and fried. We also ordered sides of spicy green beans, sauteed spinach, Shang-hai cucumbers!  All very yummy!!!!!

Also visited Barnes and Noble. I wanted to peruse the cookbooks, etc. I thought I might pick up a diabetic cookbook, but there were so many to choose from and the few that I glanced, many recipes called for the use of Splenda, etc.  Instead......I did pick up a copy of Sugar Busters! Quick and Easy Cookbook, I can't wait to dive into. I also picked up a copy of The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged and The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook by Tosca Reno to educate myself on eating clean.

I also picked up a copy of The Fiber 35 Diet by Brenda Watson. I am sticking with the BFC, but picked up a copy of this book to help me incorporate more fiber in my diet. I started reading this book last night and it's full of great information. She recommends a MINIMUM of 35 grams of fiber daily, with 40-50 grams being even better. I am curious to see how her menu plans add up on sugar/carb values.  I'll blog on the information from this book later this week.

Last week, Jessica Seinfeld was on Oprah so I also picked up a copy of her new cookbook, Double Delicious. It looks like great, healthy recipes, especially for the family. I only wish that sugar content was listed for the recipes.....I will have to figure them on my own.

So, I'll keep plugging away........it will be interesting to see my results next week with the added fiber. I've been getting 30 grams per day, so this week I will aim for 35 grams per day and work my way up each week. The Fiber35 Diet did suggest increasing fiber gradually to avoid gas and bloating.  I am hoping I can get back to a 2-2 1/2 pound weekly weight loss.



  1. Hi Susan, that is great about the loss this past week. Let us know if you find any good recipes that are 0 sugar and low carbs in the books. And also how to incorporate more fiber too. :-)

  2. Way to go Sue! I just completed week 11 of my lifestyle change yesterday. I'm down 26lbs which is 10% of my body weight from when I started 11 weeks ago. Keep it up girl. I'm curious though have you increased your exercise when you started BFC? What are you doing for exercise how long and what intensity level?

  3. I will post some recipes, hopefully this weekend! Mary, I was rarely exercising before starting BFC. I started walking - I walk 2-3 times per week with a friend and she kicks my butt :-) We walk for 45-60 minutes and most of the time it's a good intense cardio workout for me. I also started walking the dog more around the neighborhood - not a high intesity - but at least I am up off the couch and moving. I also want to start hiking, exploring some of the state parks in the area. We have some old workout videos, they are acutally videotapes, not DVD's that my husband wants to start doing again - it's the original P90 with Tony Horton. We'll see how that goes ;-)

  4. Great job with the steady weight loss!! The best thing about this way is you CAN eat out and still lose weight. Tony Horton is going to kick your butt too!!LOL

  5. Good for you! It sounds like you're doing great, especially with making this a lifestyle. How are your cravings? Are they gone, or when you have them do you find that they are satisfied easily with BFC friendly foods?

  6. minichick.......my cravings disappered almost immmediately the first week i started BFC. Prior to BFC, I was consuming so much sugar, just in the Dr Pepper I was drinking, that I had no self-control when it came to cookies, brownies, ice cream, chocolate, etc. then, since I was eating so much sweet stuff it would make me want salty as well, so I ate a ton of chips, etc.

    Practically the minute I started the BFC, I was able to regain control of my eating habits, it was effortless. now, my sweet tooth is satisified by some dark chocolate and if I want something to drink other than water or hot tea.....McD's unsweetened ice tea (I add stevia) or Vitamin Water Zero Squeezed does the trick :-)

  7. That's great! My cravings diminished a lot as well. Probably not as dramatically are yours, but I do find that even when I do slip up, I'm able to get myself back on track quickly. I think for myself, more than the sweet factor, is the emotional factor. My emotions are definitely tied in with foods, especially sweets, but the sugar just makes the whole situation a ton worse by creating the addiction factor. Now, I'm focusing on having sugar free treats when I want them. It's so important to find a heatlhy substitute for otherwise healthy emotional connections with food. At least in my case that's the situation. Food is tied to happy memories and good times rather than eating for sad reasons, where I would be trying to push my emotions down with food. Regardless of whether the reasons are happy-positive/sad-negative, it's still not good for us to eat too much unhealthy food.

  8. Not to say that I have never turned to food when sad, etc., but more often than not, eating is tied to positive emotions/feelings.
