About Me :-)

Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog! I am a 45 year old woman, mom to two active pre-teen/teen boys and wife to one "skinny" husband ;-). I am blogging my progress on Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure. I began on August 17th, 2010. To date, I've lost almost 35 pounds and 5 inches on my waist. The Belly Fat Cure has changed my life and I wanted to share my story with everyone. I am a "former" soda/sugar addict; and Jorge has changed the way I view sugar and food, FOREVER!! My whole family has started eating healthier and even the kids like all the new veggies we now try at dinner. This has changed my life and I hope it will change yours as well :-)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week One Summary/Weight Loss = 9.6

My first week on the Belly Fat Cure also coincided with a visit from my in-laws!! Now most people may see this as a stressor, but I think it was actually one of the reasons I had such a significant weight loss that first week. When they are here for a visit, I stay away from junk food to try to avoid the lectures......but I know I wasn't ever fooling them ;-). But with this visit, it did make sticking the Belly Fat Cure very easy.  My in-laws have always been fairly health conscious, but father-in-law is now diabetic and they both have to watch their cholesterol. My mother-in-law was intrigued by the BFC and we poured over the book all week. We planned Belly Good meals and even spent some time at the grocery looking for different products and reading labels. I'll have to say that my mother-in-law's only hangup with the plan was not having to count calories or fat grams, since that is something she has spent so much time focusing on over the years.

I had started the plan on a Tuesday. I went cold turkey on my Dr. Pepper habit and IMMEDIATELY felt better.....more energy, more focus, less moody. I did have some headaches from the lack of caffeine but since my in-laws are coffee drinkers, I did drink coffee that week and it helped. After that week, I switched to drinking hot tea. I also have been drinking water and that certainly helped the headaches as well. Honestly, though, I was so amazed at how good I was feeling that the soda "withdrawal" seemed easier. By not having ANY sugar, it immediately got rid of ALL the sugar cravings I had. In the past, when I had tried to lose weight, I was always trying to figure out how to work in a treat or a soda. With the BFC, I didn't have to worry about that :-).

In addition to the 9.6 pounds lost, I also lost 1.5 inches on my waist that first wee. The weight/inches loss was definitely enough to keep my inspired to continue for another week.

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